Hi, I'm Kayle!

👋 Web3 co-founder turned UX/UI designer, living at the intersection of health and wellness, and tech. From hanging out with NBA players, to quite literally shutting down Times Square, I took the risk to step down from my previous company to become a student, as I found my passion for user experience design, and purpose for bringing change and accessibility to healthcare experiences. Spoiler alert, the risk was worth it.

👩🏻‍💻 Through design thinking, human connection, and storytelling, I've honed my multiple skillsets as a professional and designer through my career experiences, former education, and connecting with industry leaders and design communities.

❤️ Beyond work, I invest my time into my love for photography, supporting recent UX bootcamp graduates, and volunteering my UX experience to mental health related non-profits and organizations.

My values


Find what you love to do—no matter what. We all owe it to ourselves and deserve the opportunity to genuinely live a life doing what we genuinely love. Kobe Bryant said it best, “If you have to complain about working hard everyday, find a new profession”. It takes some people once to figure it out, and it takes some people one hundred times to figure it out. Either one, you deserve to find your magic spot.


We’re all a work in progress—it’s part of human nature. Whether it’s learning a new skill or embracing a mistake and turning it into a lesson, always keep learning. I am always looking for ways to challenge and improve myself, both professionally and personally. What’s the purpose if you’re always the smartest in the room?


Whether you identify yourself as an artist or not, just start somewhere. Art flows in so many different shapes and forms, and as humans, we all need at least one creative outlet. Start a drawing challenge, sing your heart out on that drive home, or put some paint on your hands and just touch anything and everything—just create!


I love my alone time, but hear me out. Whether it’s a group of friends you can have endless adventures with or a group of professionals who challenge and learn from each other, we’re all doing life together in this craziness of a world. Everyone deserves a community of people to lean on and share their wins and losses with.


My golden rule—just be kind. We hear it all the time, “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. We’re all so in our own worlds today, and you just never know what other people might be going through behind their smiles, so just be kind.